I was working for Olympus at Gurney last week
The Photo President was having a camera fair there
It was really tiring
didn't get to sleep more than 5 hours everyday
What makes it worse is that
the working environment was so intense
I guess that is normal when it comes to 'individual commission'
and to somebody who is trying to bring me down
don't be upset about the fact that I'm better than you
You picked up the fight first
not me
random photos was taken during the fair
enjoy =)
The Canon
Gary was reading the review from dpreview
The Supervisor with really scary face
She keep scolding me during the fair
The EP-1
Many co-workers are the die hard fans of ' Each a Cup '
Using the dpreview to kill Sony Nex-5 and Panasonic GF-1
Gary the Kelantan boy =D
Luyi and his supervisor
Luyi & Lye
entertaining the customer
For those who are interested in buying Sony Nex-5 or Panasonic GF-1
I got a better model to recommend you
the Olympus PEN
Come and find me if you are interested
I can show you why you should go for Olympus
instead of SONY and PANASONIC
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